You look and act the way you do and what you eat. There is deep meaning in this simple sentence. Countless texts have been written about food. When I became really interested in this area of life, I realized how ignorant I had been led to be as a child and how long it took me to break these habits, patterns and foolish judgments. That is the lot (not sure what you mean) of childhood. We unconsciously accept both truths and endless lies.
In general, we learn that man is an omnivore.
In my opinion, it means so much that man is capable of eating really anything, including ants, meal-worms and his own excrement. We know from our own experience that he is capable of eating meat, animal and even humans. But we also know that meat is a manure pit for the dead poisons we willingly ingest. Just like smoking, alcohol, preservative chemicals and other crap.
Every day we perceive the laws of nature that tell us what is life sustaining and what is ultimately negative and destructive to us.
But everything in our lives is intricately interconnected – health, mind, nutrition, interpersonal relationships, social habits and collective thinking. We have great opportunities given to us by our free will. This includes the decision to change our current way of living, thinking, eating, and attitudes toward other beings. The decision must come first. It is indifferent to what paths we have arrived at, whether by difficult paths beset by fate and bad experiences, or easily and lightly. For some, Christian Opitz’s book of reflections and essays may be of great help.
An excerpt from his book:
The term “stupid chicken” shows what people think of the intelligence of this species. Perhaps it is because the gait of hens, accompanied by simultaneous head movements, gives a clumsy impression. An American naturalist one day became convinced that the intelligence of hens was not properly appreciated. When he put the eggs of a Guinean cassowary bird into the hen’s nest, she hatched them as if they were her own.
The scientist naturally thought that the hen’s discrimination was not sufficient to tell the foreign eggs from her own. But what was his surprise when the chicks hatched? Although the hen had never seen such birds in her life, she led them unhesitatingly to the nearest anthill and there dug up many larvae. The hen would never have offered her own offspring the ant larvae, nor would she have eaten them herself. But for the cassowary chicks, they are the optimal food.
This hen has never had contact with Guinean birds in her life.
What human being could possibly know at first what food is required by birds completely alien to him, and at a stage of early juvenility? Apparently, chickens have a kind of intelligence that we humans have no idea of.When I first heard about this case, I was truly amazed. Like everyone else, I was influenced by our society in my thinking about animals. Even in these thought patterns, there are certain ideas about what animals can and cannot do. I simply couldn’t imagine the intelligent behavior that an animal is capable of. The only reason for this was to cloud my sensibilities with pride and superficiality.
The above case is far from being the only behavior of a chicken that contradicts the “dumb chicken” view.
The Talegalla hen of New Zealand has developed a method of hatching that requires sensitivity and intelligence to a great extent. Once the eggs are laid, the hen covers them with a large pile of leaves. Heat is generated by the leaves, which allows the eggs to hatch. During this process, the hen constantly checks the temperature and adds leaves when needed. In doing so, it is vital that the amount of leaves is measured accurately because if the temperature deviates even slightly from the ideal value, the chicks cannot survive. In addition, the hens must choose the right kind of leaves to maintain the correct rate of molting.
It has only been possible for humans to work with such precision for several centuries using sophisticated laboratory techniques. But the Talegalla hen has been using this refined method of hatching for many millennia, long before man invented the hatchery.If we observe our fellow members of the animal kingdom with our keen senses, we get a glimpse of the wonders that fill us with appropriate respect for all forms of life.
Christian Opitz
He was born in 1970 in Berlin. Already during the first years of his life, he stood out for his phenomenal intelligence. From the age of six he was intensively involved in the natural sciences, especially biology and nuclear physics. At the age of twelve he became interested in the fields of nutrition and health in a holistic sense.
In the following seven years he developed concepts opening new directions for the theoretical understanding and practical application of natural laws in nutrition, natural healing and spiritual development.
Since 1989 he has been disseminating his knowledge through lectures and written publications. He has helped thousands of people to better health and a deeper understanding of the basic laws of life.