The German New Medicine, Germanische Heilkunde® discovered by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and systematized in the 5Biological Laws represents a change in the understanding of what is commonly called a disease. Through his studies, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, came to the conclusion that the disease processes are not “errors of nature” but rather Significant Biological Programs of Nature stemming from sudden and dramatic events.
This science describes the “bio-logical” functioning of living organisms based on the laws of nature. The new medicine explains the origin and development of diseases at 3 levels simultaneously. The level of the soul (psyche), the brain and the organs.
This system is based on 5 biological laws that allow to follow and understand the course of the disease and to calculate the moment of healing.

GNM is a natural medicine because it encompasses everything.
From the brain to the organ, or from the organ to the brain.
From the sympathetic to the vagotonic, from the psychological to the physical.
From the human to the animal, even to the plant life, because plants have everything in their organ brain…
Germanische Heilkunde®, (German New Medicine) discovered in 1981, is a strict natural science, which has only five biological laws of nature and no hypothesis.
It describes precisely the medical-biological relationships of the living organism as a unity of PSYCHE – BRAIN – ORGAN.
If science is a structure of facts, theories and methods collected in currently valid texts, then scientists are people who, successfully or unsuccessfully, in one way or another, try to contribute to this particular structure.
Thomas S. Kuhn
In Germanische Heilkunde®, the thought would be absurd to ask whether psychic processes could “trigger” physical processes. In Germanische Heilkunde®, a psychic process is synonymous with a parallel and synchronous cerebral process and synchronous with a physical-organic process.
All processes of psyche and organ are connected by the brain and are coordinated there.
The brain is quasi the significant computer of our organism. The psyche becomes the programmer, body, and psyche in turn, together with the computer’s success organ, both with optimal programming and a program disturbance.
For it is by no means only the case that the psyche programs the brain and the organ, but the organ can also induce automatic programming of the brain and the psyche in the case of injuries, so to speak.
Germanische Heilkunde® (German New Medicine) differs fundamentally from all previous medical directions, especially the so-called conventional medicine.

For the 1st time in the history of medicine, there is now a scientific medicine with which any patient case can be reproduced in a strictly scientific way. This was demonstrated and officially verified at the University of Trnava (Slovakia) on September 8th and 9th, 1998!
Up to that time, we had seen medicine largely world-view – theologically, as a fight of the evil with the good.
We saw the so-called “diseases” as glitches of nature, as insufficiencies of the organs, and also as a punishment of God. We, therefore, spoke of “malignant growth” and “benign growth.” We imagined that cancer cells and microbes were armies of evil or malignancy that we had to fight by an army of benign (e.g., immune system), with the help of good doctors and a lot of right medicines, surgeries, radiation, etc.
We even believed we had to cast out or exorcise the devil with Beelzebub, and fight cancer with the worst cellular poison. The German medicine had fallen into a significant error. Therefore, we had never been able to find a system in medicine before.
Germanische Heilkunde® applies to man, animal, and plant, even to the unicellular living being – to the whole cosmos. And it applies to all so-called diseases – all that exists at all – because they are only parts of a normally two-phase “Sensible Biological Special Program of Nature” (SBS).
Every truth goes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Later it is denied in every possible way.
And finally they accept it as absolutely self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
They all proceed according to these 5 Biological Laws of Nature of Germanische Heilkunde®.
The trigger of each so-called disease is always a biological conflict, a highly dramatic shock experience – called DHS.
The Iron Law of Cancer: emotional-mental conflict is a trigger for disease.
The Law of the Law of the Two-Phase Disease: Every disease is composed of two parts.
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Law Ontogenetically dependent system of rational biological cancer specific programs and cancer equivalents
Law Ontogenetically dependent system of microbes.
Law of Quintessence: the law of understanding each so-called disease as part of the historically evolutionarily comprehensible rational special programs of nature.
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Germanische Heilkunde (GHk) International Academy