O wondrous trees, my old friends, Albert Schweitzer addresses the trees and ends his confession. Teach me, brothers, to live thus, to die thus. Vasily Shukshin embracing the white birch ...
Niagara Escarpment is composed of very old rocks and it is a relatively young landscape feature that is still evolving. The hard dolostone rocks capping the Escarpment are very resistant. ...
Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else … Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find ...
This a brilliantly argued 598-page book by Ian Plimer about climate change is a comprehensive work that summarizes in detail all the objections that many people, including many prominent scientists, ...
Rachel Carson wrote the Silent Spring. Books begins with a “fable of tomorrow”. A true story made up of examples from many real communities where the use of DDT has ...
Book Flora Graeca is one of the most remarkable illustrated floras ever to see the light of day. The authors, botanist John Sibthorp and illustrator Ferdinad Bauer, were beginning to ...
Grey Owl / Wa-sha-quon-asin (1888 – 1938) was the most famous Canadian Indian in the world in the 1930s. He wanted to protect the forests and animals of Canada. But ...
The various Canadian provinces have native Canadian flora in their emblems. The provincial floral symbols account for the flora of an area. A total of 13 extraordinary plants. Nova Scotia ...
The uniqueness of Misery Bay Provincial Park on Manitoulin Island lies in its geological foundation, which is an ancient flat rock bed. The entire ecosystem is called an alvar. These ...
This impressive landscape in Caledon was first formed at the base of an ancient sea over 400 million years ago and was exposed in the early 1900s. The site is ...